Monday, 27 September 2010

Deal Beach Clean - Sunday 26th Sept

About 40 people braved this cold, wet Sunday morning to enjoy a lovely breakfast of egg or bacon rolls, tea or coffee courtesy of the Co-operative Group and Jasin's Restaurant at the end of the pier. Thus fortified, they set off to remove 110kg of litter from Deal Beach in just one and a half hours.

Several organisations were represented, including 'Deal With It', Rotary Club of Deal and the Marine Conservation Society.

At noon, the group gathered at the Landmark Centre in the High St. to watch a short film and talk about the 'You Seas, Your Voice' campaign supported jointly by the Co-op and the Marine Conservation Society, which was followed by a light lunch

Monday, 29 March 2010

Transition - What's next?

We had a showing of the new film on the Transition Towns movement 'In Transition 1.0' at our March Monthly meeting (at DealAbility 4th Tues each month). A great film, very informative, not preachie and really showed the diversity, depth and energy that has been unleashed since the movement started in 2006.

We need to start the debate locally whether this is a route we want Deal to go down. The film is great 'openner' for those discussions & action. We own a copy of the film and we want it to be used. We will be using it again in our meetings but we need you to use it too.

Do you fancy running a 'home meeting' for friends & neighbours; are you a member of another organisation or a teacher/student which would be interested in showing it at you school/college? If so please contact us asap at

For more info on the Transition Movement:

You can watch the film online as well but its 40mins long

Blogger is having problems today....

Message from Blogger where our blog lives "Our image backend is experiencing problems which may affect the display and/or uploading of photos. We are working to resolve this and will update this post when we have more information"


Rosie's Green Matters - 1st April

Deal With IT's Co-ordinator, Rosie Rechter this week writes our regular column in the East Kent Mercury :
Sustainable Community
One definition of the ideal sustainable community lists five dimensions
  • Increase local economic diversity
  • Self reliance
  • Reduction in the use of energy and careful management and recycling of waste products
  • Protection of biological diversity and stewardship of natural resources
  • Social justice
Just an idealist’s dream? Well no actually. The little island of Westray in the Orkney Islands off Scotland is well on its way to becoming the UK’s first self sufficient community. Faced by serious economic problems and increasing depopulation, in 1998, they formed a Development Trust.
Following the above five guide lines, they created a bio-fuel plant for the island’s cars using old cooking oil, built a methane plant using slurry and grass, have an electric car powered by a small wind turbine, one of the finest organic salmon farms, a wonderful diversity of wild life and a flourishing and growing community which will be enriched by their new wind turbine, an Enercon E44 (900KW) which is now up and running and already creating an income for the community. Initially, Westray Development Trust hope to earn £100,000 each year from the clean energy they generate, and this will rise to over £200,000 annually over the course of the turbine’s life. Could we learn something from this success story?

At our Green Forum on Renewable Energy last week, a member of the audience pointed out that while the solutions we were offering for people to generate their own renewable energy by making an investment in solar energy, and also covering the possibility of DIY solutions for those with the necessary skills (16 people signed up for the planned workshops to mentor people who wanted to do this) that still left a lot of people unable to join in the financial advantages on offer.

Community generated clean energy is of course the most efficient way of providing a secure energy source for the future. Could Deal in 10 years time enjoy some of the advantages that Westray is enjoying today?

Friday, 26 March 2010

Beachwatch at Kingsdown

Volunteers from Sea France & Kingsdown recently cleared 37 sacks of rubbish from Kingsdown Beach. Working as part of Marine Conservation Society's BeachWatch programme which  clears beaches around the UK and raises awareness of the damage that litter, especially plastics which never biodegrade, can do to our marine life. .... Watch this space as we will be organising an Deal With IT session soon.

Full story at 

Follow the work of the MCS here:

Deal - Is so bracing....

Dover District Council's webiste have nifty page on local Air Quality Monitoring - there is a Air quality survey run by the University of Brighton plus lots of useful documents at the KAQ site. The nearest monitoring sites are all in Dover and all get 'green' ratings, even the Docks (Ramsgate was amber last year)


Kent Air Quality site:

Dover District Council are talking rubbish.....

Well not exactly - Dover District Council and Shepway District Council, in partnership with Kent County Council, will soon be entering into a new, joint contract for recycling and waste collections. They say "A joint contract will offer economies of scale which will help to ensure that we get the best price for our residents for the collection and disposal service".
There is a online questionaire (and one in this week's local papers) ... this is a great opportunity for us to register our long requested desire to extend recycling locally. Please log your comments by Friday 18th June:

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Commonwork: Grow, Cook, Eat - what the projects are all about....

Spring is in the air and exciting new work is underway at Commonwork.

The inspiring Grow Cook Eat project will work with schools and community groups to encourage people of all ages to grow and cook healthy and sustainable food.
The Food Hub will explore ways of encouraging local communities to buy locally produced food from a number of community based food hubs, set and up and developed by Commonwork in partnership with local groups.
As part of these new projects, we will be renovating the Middle Yard to provide learning and cooking spaces. We will also be digging and developing new growing spaces next to the current organic vegetable plot.
Grow2Grow is a new social enterprise set up in partnership with Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) which will provide nurturing opportunities through farming and horticultural placements for vulnerable young adults with or recovering from mental health problems. This project will work alongside and with the Grow Cook Eat growing spaces.

And, in addition, the cows are getting new accommodation. Once the cows are back out in the fields for the spring and summer, work will begin to replace the old winter sheds with new accommodation that will provide more space for the herd.
We hope that all this building and renovating activity will not cause any major inconvenience to our friends and visitors… it will be worth it all in the end.
Commonwork Bore Place Chiddingstone, Kent TN8 7AR
Email: Web: Tel: 01732 463255

Commonwork: Grow, Cook, Eat and get paid as a gardener ...

Study centre and organic farm is recruiting for two new education and care farming projects involving organic vegetable growing and wellbeing
Grow - Cook – Eat  
Gardener/education project  - Full time, £18-21k pa

Gardener/mental health project  -Full time or job share, £18-21k pa

Thanks to Local Food and Ecominds for funding these projects.
Details and application from


Bore Place Chiddingstone, Kent TN8 7AR 01732 463255

Closing date for applications: 6 April 2010  - Interviews on 15 and 16 April 2010

News on Thanet Wind Farm.....

THE world’s largest wind farm, to be built off the coast of Thanet, will bring hundreds of new jobs to the isle, the Isle of local paper the Thanet Gazette reveals.

The team behind the London Array project has chosen Ramsgate port as the location for their new 1,800sq m operations and maintenance headquarters for the 100 turbines. The array is seven miles off the coast at Broadstairs and will produce 300mw of clean power for 240,000 homes.
Thanet Gazette article:

Contractor website:     and

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Early warning: Canterbury Climate Fair 15/16th May

Canterbury Greenpeace are organising a two day Climate Fair on the 15th & 16th May - Deal With It hope to have our stall there. More details to follow...

The Climate Fair will run from 9am to 5pm on the Saturday and from 10am to 4pm on the Sunday.
There will be campaign stalls, entertainers, Fairtrade and organic produce stalls, and displays stretching along The Parade and St George’s Street between the ancient clock tower and historic Rose Lane.

Canterbury Climate Fair website:
Canterbury Greenpeace:

Transition Towns Film ...

We had a showing of the new film on the Transition Towns movement 'In Transition 1.0' at our March Monthly meeting (at DealAbility 4th Tues each month). A great film, very informative, not preachie and really showed the diversity, depth and energy that has been unleashed since the movement started in 2006.

We need to start the debate locally whether this is a route we want Deal to go down. The film is great 'openner' for those discussions & action. We own a copy of the film and we want it to be used. We will be using it again in our meetings but we need you to use it too.

Do you fancy running a 'home meeting' for friends & neighbours; are you a member of another organisation or a teacher/student which would be interested in showing it at you school/college? If so please contact us asap at

For more info on the Transition Movement:

You can watch the film online as well but its 40mins long

Saturday, 20 March 2010

'Go forth and generate'

'Go forth and generate' was Rosemary Rechter's, DWI Co-ordinator, closing remarks after a very interesting Saturday afternoon at Deal's Green Energy Forum. Over 50 people in a packed hall in the Landmark centre listened to Steve Plater, OU energy researcher explain the history & options available for green energy solutions. Steve is happy to take follow on questions at

Jack Domane described his own experience in using and building a variety of heating solutions and how a small investment & some DIY could produce cost-effective and safe Green solutions - a number of the audience joined with Jack in setting up a local DIY Energy group to take things forward in Deal. If you are interested contact him direct on  01304 364 138 or email
We also had solar installation engineer Hannah Jones from Eternal Energy Systems who took us thru the practical issues on installation and could demonstrate the solar power & heating systems in her wonderful 'green godess' van. Tel: 01227 262699
. Mike Bundy from the Energy Savings Trust was also on hand to explain the new feed-in tariff.

A big thank you to all our speakers & the staff at the Landmark.

Earth Hour -27th March Show you support here.....

Thursday, 18 March 2010

New 'Embrace my planet' website ....

Have you come across the website dedicated to wind & renewable power? 'Embrace My Planet' is  the arms-length campaign of RenewableUK (formerly BWEA), the trade association for renewable energy suppliers in Britain. While it is sponsored by companies, the campaign claims that it itself is activist-led. Some very useful information and a cool map widget showing active and planned renewable sites

Fill that hole ....

The Cycling Touring Club  (CTC) has launched an anti-pothole website where you log dangerous potholes and see local danger spots at

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Every thought of sharing your garden..... ?

Local food production is a central theme in developing a sustainable community. Growing your own either in an raised beds or like me in tubs can be great fun & really rewarding. But if you want to go to the next level or you dont have a garden waiting for an allotment can be frustrating.

Garden sharing is one possible option - this grew out of Totnes Transition movement and now spread to many other towns. Simply it is about matching up people with underused gardens with people who want to grow veg and spliting the produce between you. If you are interested in starting a Deal group please leave a comment here or drop us a line at There is also the Channel4 Landshare website which works along simpler lines at

PS: The Landmark centre in Deal has also started an allotment club -The Cleary Club Allotment Group meets every Monday and Friday 10.00am - 1.00pm. Its free to take part and you get to take home any vegetables that you grow. For more details, please call into the Landmark Centre and have a chat with Paula Moorhouse, Cleary Club Manager or give her a call on 01304 389165.

Marine energy sites named...

The seven pilot sites for the UK's first major venture into marine energy have been announced today in Orkneys/NW Coast Scotland. The plan is produce 1.2Gw of power - enough power for 750k homes by 2020.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Take the Trains4Deal Survey....

From our colleagues in Trains4Deal - As you might have seen in this week's Mercury, Transport Minister Chris Mole is actively looking at stopping 4 High Speed trains at Deal each weekday morning, and also 4 in the evenings (the 1740 and 1840 from St Pancras plus the last two at night).

We need to give some up-to-date evidence of potential demand, so we're doing a survey on the morning of TUESDAY next, 16th March.
Can you help:

    - at Deal or Walmer stations, on the platform? (up to 9.15am)
    - if you'll be on a train that morning, giving out surveys to other passengers on the train?
    - and of course, fill it in yourself!

The survey questions are on the website - - along with details of what was discussed with the Minister.

Victoria's Green Matters - 14th March

Deal With IT's Secretary Victoria Nicholls writes a regular column in the East Kent Mercury:

What is your view of ‘England’s green and pleasant land’? Do you see a pattern of fields, divided by hedges and walls, where animals peacefully graze? Do you think all animals have a good and natural life when they produce meat and other products for us to eat and drink? It would be wonderful if this were so but, unfortunately, providing the human population with food and drink relies mostly on big business these days.

There is a lot of opposition to the latest plan to farm 8,000 dairy cows in what amounts to battery conditions in Lincolnshire. Animal rights groups call the proposal an environmental disaster which will condemn animals to dark sheds for most of their lives. Does this feel the right thing to do to other sentient beings whose natural habitat is a field with grass?

Of course, we protest at such treatment and are told that if we want cheap food, this is the way it has to be produced. But do we want or need cheap food? It is a fact that one third of all food bought in this country is thrown away as waste. Consider this. It is shameful to think that we in the rich West waste so much when people in the developing world are hardly surviving.

Don’t forget that we have condemned chickens, ducks and turkeys to lives in concrete sheds and ourselves to eating meat often contaminated with deadly organisms that thrive in such conditions. Can this really be the way forward? Of course not. We must not encourage the production of milk to go any further towards big business and sentence cows to the same lives as factory farmed poultry.

We must endeavour to buy locally produced and free range produce whenever we can. Look for the local label, try to find out where food comes from and if it’s very cheap, ask yourself why?


Friday, 12 March 2010

Transition Towns Film on Tues 23rd March

DealWithIT's next monthly meeting on Tuesday 23rd March, 7:30pm at Dealability, 43 Victoria Road, Deal CT14 7AY will have a showing of the film 'In Transition 1.0' followed by a discussion on what next for Deal.

'IN TRANSITION 1.0 From oil dependence to local resilience'
'In Transition 1.0' was compiled from footage sent in by Transition initiatives around the world. Over 100 tapes were received and this film is edited from them. Transition is a movement of communities around the world responding creatively and productively to peak oil and climate change, seeing them as an historic opportunity to build the world anew.
All Welcome

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Micro Generation from our rivers....

Environment Agency maps hydropower hotspots Report identifies thousands of potential small-scale hydropower sites in English and Welsh rivers that could power 850,000 homes

report at  :

interactive map:

Ian McEwan on climate change and his new book 'Solar'

Failure at Copenhagen climate talks prompted novel rewrite
Author's forthcoming novel, Solar, is about a scientist working on a technology to address global warming .... This is his FOE video interview

Visit a Old Home, SuperHome in Faversham....

Home Super Home scheme. We will be offering tours to show what
can be done to improve the energy efficiency of an old house on Sunday 28th
March between 11 and 3. Tours will take about 20 minutes. To book a place,
use the link below...

There are 4.3 million houses built before 1919, which equals 17% of the
building stock across the country. Old Home SuperHome is a campaign to
transform the energy efficiency of this existing housing stock. The project
aims to provide a network of exemplar dwellings which are locally
accessible. By showing how to replicate the techniques the project seeks to
inspire others to undertake similar renovations.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Sign on & Switch off - 27th March Earth Hour 8:30pm

WWF have organised another Earth Hour on Saturday 27th March 8:30pm check out their website at

Monday, 8 March 2010

Recycle batteries at Deal Library

KCC are now recycling batteries at all Kent Libraries - You should find a special battery box inside the Library 

You can also recycle at the following:
  • Coop Mill Hill
  • Boots High St
  • Sainsburys
  • Somerfield
  • SouthWall depot
  • St Margaret's Parish Council have also organised collection points

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Happy International Women's Day! - 8th March 2010

Great video from ActionAid! -
'The Girl Effect'

Friday, 5 March 2010

Keeping the Lights on - 20th April - CPRE Kent Pines Calyx

The Kent area of the Campiagn to Protect Rural England have a conference event 'On Keepting the Lights On' on the Tuesday 20th April at the Pines Calyx centre in St Margarets10:30-1:45pm. £20 for CPRE members.
Speakers included:  Peter Harper (CAT), Alastair Gould (Carbon Free Group) and Sir Crispin Tickell.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Warm Homes, Greener Homes....

The Government announced its Household Energy Strategy - 'Warm Homes, Greener Homes' on Tuesday at EcoBuild

Its three key points are:
  • 'Pay as you Save' - Loan scheme from 2012. This tied to the property rather the current owner.
  • More powers to Local Authority's working with energy companies to deliver local energy plans
  • More regulation on energy standards, especially on private landlords
The overall aim is to reduce emissions from homes by 29 per cent by 2020.
For more info check the Dept of Energy & Climate Change website or comment at Guardian

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Victoria's Green Matters - 28th Feb

Deal With IT's Secretary Victoria Nicholls writes a regular column in the East Kent Mercury:

Is spring really just around the corner? It is difficult to believe that we are ever going to be able to do any gardening again with ground so sodden after all the rain. If you have any vegetables over wintering in your garden, they will be looking very sorry for themselves as they try to overcome all the water around them.

It is a delight to see the snowdrops, their pretty white and green flowers dancing in the wind and rain.  They may look delicate and fragile but were able to reappear from under a thick blanket of snow to cheer us up. Most years they seem to bring the spring with them but this time we are still waiting despite the crocuses and miniature iris bringing us some colour.

If you have been able to find a couple of hours to spend in the garden during the few fine days we have had, it is the time of year to be tidying up after the winter. If you have clematis that flower in late spring and early summer, now is the time to prune them lightly. Cut out thin and overcrowded stems as low down on the plant as possible and tie in the remaining stems to the plant’s support for a good display later on in the year. Buddleias and other summer flowering shrubs can also be pruned now so be brave and cut them down so that new shoots will bear flowers and the bush will be the shape you prefer.

If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse, you will already be thinking about the vegetables that you can start off now. You can go a long way towards your ‘5 a day’ by sowing lots of seed to plant out later. It is heart warming to look forward to growing your own fruit and vegetables, however small your space, with the added bonus of cutting your carbon footprint.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Trains4DeaL - 'The Deal footplate men'

Train4Deal who are campaigning to get the High Speed Trains that trundle past Deal to stop have launched a protest song against SouthEast Trains. Rebadged local band 'Cary, Rathbone and Bell' as the Deal Footplate Men. Next meeting is on Thursday at the Alma - more details at

Time for Plan Bee....

The Cooperative are running a brilliant campaign on urban bee keeping in 2010. They have a petition against pesticides and are funding training & equipment to get you going as a bee keeper. As well as this they are putting another £160k in research projects on the demise of the honeybee. They even do discounted bee boxs for solitary bees!

Please sign the petition and get more info at

Friday, 26 February 2010

Victoria's Green Matters - 21st Feb

Deal With IT's Secretary Victoria Nicholls writes a regular column in the East Kent Mercury:

What does renewable energy mean to you? Many people think only of power from the wind, either on or offshore, when renewable energy is mentioned. Wind turbines have a huge place in the mix of energy forms for the future and they can also cause great controversy if there are plans to site them in sensitive areas where communities or wild life will be affected.

There are several other forms of renewable energy, some of which can be installed in homes and can benefit the population directly. These include solar water heating and photovoltaic panels, the latter generating electricity directly from light.

At the beginning of February the Government introduced new feed-in tariffs for domestic renewable energy, which means that anyone installing photovoltaic panels, a hydro-electric scheme or their own wind turbine, will be paid for the electricity they produce. Sounds too good to be true? Not at all – and this is only bringing us into line with other European countries, e.g. Germany, where feed-in tariffs have been operating for ten years.

In actual fact, the benefits are threefold: the householder will be paid 41p per unit of electricity generated; they will not have to buy electricity from their provider and should they have any electricity unused, they can sell that back to the National Grid at 3p per unit. There is, of course, an initial outlay but at present there is also a Government Grant of £2,500, which can help with this.

This represents an excellent investment of 8-10% on money put into the scheme that you choose. It also represents a certain amount of independence from the energy companies that rule our lives at present and as fossil fuels become rarer will have increasing difficulty giving us a continuous supply.

If you are lucky enough to be able to fit both solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, you will have a supply of hot water and generate electricity, too. You will have made a very good investment and reduced your carbon footprint into the bargain. Worth thinking about?

For more information go to the Energy Saving Trust at

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

DWI: Deal Home energy audits ends this week....

The joint campaign between Deal With IT and the Energy Savings Trust for Home Energy Audits in Deal has had a great response. The campaign has been focussed in Mill Hill area and on homes built post-ww2. It has used state of the art GIS mapping (Geographic Information Systems) and thermal imaging techniques to help identify homes that it would be beneficial to.

Those taking part will be getting a full survey report in the next few weeks with recommendations on how to slash their heating & power bills

 If you missed out on survey contact the Energy Savings Trust on 0800 512 012 or get an online assessment at

Call of the Wild - What Kent's wildlife tell us about climate change

Deal With IT are holding a joint event with RSPB Kent on Friday 16th April - 7pm Landmark Centre Deal High Street on 'The Call of the Wild: What Kent's wildlife & countryside tell us about climate change'.

We have two speakers Michael Walter of Blean Woods National Nature Reserve and Geoff Meaden Canterbury Christchurch University. All Welcome.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

FairTrade Fortnight: 22nd Feb - 7th March

FairTrade Fortnight has started - what are you going to swap? Make sure you add your pledge at
Publish Post

Monday, 22 February 2010

Celebrating our third birthday....

Deal With It held its third AGM on Saturday 13th February 2010. Rosemary Rechter, Deal With It co-ordinator said: “We have had a really successful year; both in the number & variety of events we have organised and in getting the message on climate change out to the people of Deal”.

The highlights in the past year have been:
  • The very popular ‘Celebrate Your Deal’ event headlining local produce & green issues
  • The packed meetings with Caroline Lucas, MEP and Michael Meacher MP
  • Film showings of the ‘Age of Stupid’ at the Pines Calyx
  • The groups involvement in the district council’s Local Development Strategy
  • Working with the Energy Saving Trust to get local home energy audits.

The meeting agreed the following priorities for the Group in 2010:

  • To become a supporter of Fair Trade
  • To work towards Deal gaining ‘transition town’ status
  • To support and extend the campaigns on transport and especially local train provision
  • Establishing more local links with villages and other local organisations
  • Re-run the ‘Celebrate Your Deal’ in October
  • Organise meetings on Home energy in March and the impact of Climate change on wildlife (with the RSPB) in April.
This year’s committee is:
· Rosemary Rechter (Co-ordinator), Victoria Nicholls (Secretary), Helen Reeve (Treasurer)
· Becky Lythgoe, Sue Delling, Sarah Gleave & Steve Wakeford (Publicity)

Join the Magnificent Revolution.......

Magnificent Revolution come up with some really interesting but simple green ideas. The one that caught my attention was their bicycle generators for outdoor amplification - Here demonstrated by Deal's very own Cocos Lovers at a gig at the Secret Garden Festival last year playing their Howling Wind.....

Check out Magnificent Revolution's site at as they have got some fanastic ideas!
Ps. The Cocos Lovers are at the Astor on the 6th March....

Earth Hour 2010 - 8:30pm Sat 27th March 2010

Turn off your lights to show support

In 2009 hundreds of millions of people around the world showed their support by turning off their lights for one hour.
Earth Hour 2010 will continue to be a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to show leadership and be responsible for our future.
Pledge your support here and turn off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, 8.30pm, Saturday 27th March 2010.
It’s Showtime! Show what can be done.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Deal DIY Green home energy group....

DWI member Jack Domane who will be speaking at our Green Energy Forum on the 20th March is also very keen to get a group going to put some of these green ideas into practice in Deal.

Jack a retired engineer has already installed a cheap £80 solution for transferring the heat from his conservatory into his house which has slashed his heating bills. He thinks he can do the same for his hot water bill; he is working on prototype for cheap and easily maintained wall-mounted Solar water heating system which would only cost about £500 but could half his hot water bills... interested, well meet jack on the 20th or email him at

'Deal With It' supports FairTrade

At our recent AGM in February, 'Deal With It' voted to support Fair Trade principles and the local campaign make Deal a 'FairTrade' town. Find out more at

Better trains for Deal .....

As well as our own DWI campaign to improve the local train service, especially the loop up to Canterbury, 'Deal With It' are also supporting the 'Trains4Deal' campaign to get the new London bound high speed trains to stop at Deal -support them at

Deal With IT - Green Energy Forum 20th March - Landmark Centre 2pm

Deal With IT have organised a Green Energy Forum at 2pm on Saturday 20th March at the Landmark Centre, High Street, Deal Kent CT14 6BB

Come along and find out how you can have cheaper and greener energy in your home!
This meeting will aim to provide a fund of information to anyone interested in domestic renewable energy, especially those currently considering what they themselves would like to install.
You will find out what the options are, how much they are likely to cost, what you will save, and also how you can do it all yourself and save even more money!
Steve Plater, a PhD student at the Energy & Environment Research Unit of the Open University, specialises in the production of solar electricity and will explain all the options available for domestic use.
Jack Domane, a retired design engineer, will explain to those with the necessary skills how they can make their own solar panels at much less cost.   
Hannah Jones, a representative from ‘Eternal Energy’, will be on hand with a mobile display unit which will illustrate some solar technology for the home.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Be Certifiably Green in 2010

A Permaculture Design course is to be held at Rippledown Environmental Education Centre. The course will teach you how to use permaculture principles and practice:

- in your own life
- to contribute to the Transition Town processes
- for community projects
- to improve sustainability in your workplace.

This 12 day Accredited Permaculture Design Certificate Course will be lead by Steve Charter (Diploma Permaculture Design, MA Environmental Planning), assisted by Nir Halfon (Dip Biodynamics, Cert. Permaculture Design) and covers eco-building, sustainable energy, sewage, composting, eco-community and appropriate economics. The Certificate will be issued by the Permaculture Academy (GB) and is recognised by the permaculture and sustainable communities movement world-wide. The course is being run in association with The Bay Trust - an environmental education charity leading a wide range of not-for-profit sustainable community activities in the East Kent area and working to promote healthy, sustainable living.

Course Fees: £750/person
This particular PDC Course is being very generously subsidised by The Bay Trust and the price includes full course fees, accommodation and food. It is possible to take individual weekends or parts of the course, by agreement only. The Pc Design Certificate is only gained by those completing the full course.

Course Dates:
Fri 29th January to Sun 31st January 2010
Fri 26th February to Sun 28th February 2010
Fri 26th March to Sun 28th March 2010
Fri 16th April to Sun 18th April 2010

For further information click here.